Coachulting® for small businesses
The unique mix we offer, at the junction between branding strategy & business coaching, is an investment rather than an expense.
The unique mix we offer, at the junction between branding strategy & business coaching, is an investment rather than an expense.
There, everything is only order and beauty, Luxury, calm and voluptuousness.
Each of us has the power to take part in building a better world. It just starts with individual decisions that will eventually provoke changes.
Last March, we decided to hire a new trainee. From the first email she sent us to the conduct of her internship, it was a challenging & instructive journey. But it is always gratifying to be able to help the development of motivated young people.
At Incubator Studio, we want to make sure that every health & well-being expert can increase his/her impact & become a reference in order to help the greatest number of people who need his/her services/products.
Families surely look different than they did thousands of years ago, but they are as equally important as they were then. They are our everything, aren’t they?
More & more companies allow their employees to come to work accompanied by their pet. The pandemic has emphasized people’s need to become pet owners. Guess why ? These small creatures impact personal lives as well as professional lives positively!
Portrait of a solid & consciously aligned duo, which withstands storms thanks to continuous in-depth reflection & strong choices.
This is how we reviewed 2020 & planned 2021 for Incubator Studio; let’s see if it can benefit your business as well…
The business world does need people & companies that are rooted & conscious of the impact of their choices on the economy, clients & communities.