[we] Take care of you[r business]

At Incubator Studio, we want to make sure that every health & well-being expert can increase his/her impact & become a reference in order to help the greatest number of people who need his/her services/products.

Living well, according to our very own standards of wellness, is something we all deserve. Wellness is nothing less than an active process of becoming aware & making choices towards a healthy & fulfilling life. It is actually much more a dynamic process of change & growth than the fact of being free from illness. Thanks to the scientific progress & individual dedication of industry experts, we benefit from the best medical, paramedical & alternative medicine professionals to take care of us.

People working in the health industry, in the broadest sense, such as doctors, therapists, nurses, psychologists, natural cosmetics makers, yoga teachers, healers, well-being coaches… dedicate their lives to ensure we live healthy & happy. Their goal? Make their expertise available to those who need it. However, sometimes they can lack visibility.

At Incubator Studio, we want to make sure every health & well-being expert can increase their impact & become a reference to help the greatest number of people who need their services/products. We’re very serious about that – even more since the start of this pandemic that has turned so many lives around.


Nobody feels completely at ease to book an appointment with a new therapist or a paramedical professional without knowing him/her upfront. When possible, we prefer to choose them for their personality, expertise, reputation, values etc… don’t we? We want to be reassured we choose the right person before starting a healing journey.

A website can be seen as the extension of a practice & a professional’s physical presence. It allows those who need to consult to get to know the health professional in detail & to be reassured before they even meet in a (video)consultation.

Patients need to trust, feel safe & be sure that the chosen health professional will be a catalyst for change. Nowadays, whether we accept it or not, all paramedical professionals need to consciously work on their professional brand to reassure their potential new patients.

This is the reason why at Incubator Studio, we help more & more health professionals to increase their impact, promote their practice to those who need them & help them build a trust relationship with their (future) patients. Today, we are proud to share with you the work we’ve done with Florence who dedicates her life to supporting people in their healing journey:


Being a wellness/health professional, at the broadest sense, is not always easy: standing out from competitors is a challenge in prized markets. Indeed, there are dozens of (para)medical professionals who do the same job – even niche experts. All experts must therefore have a voice, a unique set of values & specific promises. So must wellness professionals. This is the way to turn an expertise into a thriving business & increase professional impact.

A website is in charge of conveying promises & allowing those who seek out health professionals, to make an informed decision to move forward in their life & healing journey. It is a real business booster that brings value to all parties in a few clicks & winks. No bragging, just professionalism. For some, it’s also a sales enabler, a boutique, an eshop as we say. An increasing number of health & beauty professionals actually sell products nowadays.


We are well aware that time is precious for health professionals as well as for those who need their help. That is why we believe that a smart website makes life easier for health experts & their patients/clients. Communicating through a website saves a lot of time & helps to improve the organisation. How? By answering frequently asked questions, sharing specials events, describing offers & expertises, automating the appointment booking or discovery sessions…. Future patients/clients don’t need to call or email in order to have answers to their questions!

We also do know that building a website can be a time-consuming hassle & is therefore never a health professional’s priority, even if they need to reach out to new patients. That is why we commit to making website projects seamless: the single requirement is to trust the result-driven process! This is what Berengere did.

If we all deserve to live well -no matter what makes us feel well- we all need the support of professionals. Health & wellness experts, beauty & well-being professionals (think of dentists, therapists, well-being coaches, nutritionists, naturopathes, energy healers…) are ALL in high demand & are very much needed. Let us help them reach out to more people.

Give us a buzz.

The International Day of Well-Being is every day!

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le jeudi 3 avril 2025 à Paris


Une journée d’introspection transformationnelle pour :

  • vous [re]connecter à vos tripes & à votre essence personnelle,
  • [re]explorer votre raison d’être personnelle,
  • [re]travailler sur votre marque personnelle (personal branding) en tant qu’entrepreneur débutant ou avancé.


À toute saison de votre parcours entrepreneurial, le socle & le souffle vital de votre entreprise, c’est bien vous, qui êtes ses racines, son tronc & sa source.

Le branding d’une entreprise est existentiel & prend racine dans les tripes de l’entrepreneur. (traduction : le branding, ce n’est pas un logo).


Vous repartirez de cette journée avec une marque personnelle claire, construite & au service de votre vie d’entrepreneur sans contorsion, comme au service de votre entreprise.