Embrace, embody & sell your business why with pride

The business world does need people & companies that are rooted & conscious of the impact of their choices on the economy, clients & communities.

“If you’re rooted, you’ll find your very own way to touch the sky. No limit or disclaimer will apply.” Aurélie Bécat

At Incubator Studio, we feel happy every single time we discover a new brand, startup or small business that very obviously seems to be on a mission. Not an expert or a team that would claim they are, but professionals who really decided to be on a mission & do whatever it takes to put together the building blocks towards achieving it. Our troubled world does need people & companies that are rooted, driven & conscious of the impact of their choices on the economy, individuals & communities.

Business Roots

Most of us, after having been formatted for years, wake up on a Monday morning with this kind of questions:

  • Isn’t there more to life than this daily routine?
  • How could my talents contribute to making the world a better place?
  • How come my expertise does not translate into sufficiently rewarding revenues?
  • What could make me a happy(ier) professional?

The following Sunday, the morning coffee brings what follows to the table:

  • What is my worth?
  • What should I do with my life?
  • Why do people choose to team up with me?
  • Who do I see when I look in the mirror?
  • What is my vision?

We see you smile & that makes us happy. We all need to have a thing we live for, a reason to set the alarm, a motivation to get out of bed, a deeper sense of living, in other words: a reason for being or personal mission. Yes, we do. Even if we’re not dreamers or idealists.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, a follower, an employee, a leader, a project manager, a startuper, a consultant, whether you are starting up, starting out, starting over… you know won’t last long in your professional life or wake up to the feeling you’re in harmony, unless you have identified your purpose.

The crisis of purpose at the workplace, its collateral call for a meaning as well as for a deeper sense of participation in society, are real. Therefore, every professional individually & every business collectively, whatever their level of influence or size, need to be rooted. This implies dedicating some time identifying their roots. It seems obvious, it goes without saying, but still goes better when we say it.

What if you started exploring today, first individually on your own & then collectively as a team, what makes you a sustainably unique, happy, high-impact, aligned & successful professional? Without right or wrong, judgements, streamlined or ideal answers. There are no guidelines to answer this question “properly” or accurately. But there is a step-by-step guided reflection to explore & identify your business why with a methodology that bears fruit. We have created one that we use with each of our clients.

Let’s maximize & monetize this fundamental quest to your benefit, to the benefit of your business & of your clients! If you don’t need our input to identify your business purpose & strengthen its roots, just download Incubator Studio’s do-book.

Business Vision

Once you have clarity on your personal & professional purpose, your business/company vision [re]starts taking shape. How, how much & to what extent will your personal “why” impregnate & strengthen the roots of your business is up to you, but you’re at least in the best position to make a decision about your business why, to set the reason to be of your business.

Our vision at Incubator Studio has always been & will always be to create wealth & alleviate poverty through entrepreneurship. We are serious about it & display it with pride on our website for a very simple reason: we live our purpose, stand up for our clients & are powered by their success. We have structured our agency to support & team up with SMEs, as a player of their size. We are part of this powerful movement of brave & bold risk-takers standing up for a healthier economy.

Our business roots & reason to be are strengthened by the alignment of both our personal reasons to be. We indeed consciously decided to translate both our personal reasons to wake up, our unique personal “why”, into a specific business “why”, “reason to be”? This does not mean that both of us, the founders of Incubator Studio, have the same personalities, tastes, interests, activities, talents, ways of life,… not at all. We are not clones. We do have the same values, call for alignment & desire to align our personal & professional purpose into a single life purpose that gives shape to our company’s purpose.

Our business vision is what gives us wings, what makes us unstoppable. It makes us wake up & stand up daily with drive & in harmony, knowing we are needed & have our part to play.

Business Mission

Once & only once your business has deep roots & a strong vision, it can have a mission 🙂 Your business mission is a sentence that explains what your business does, sells, promises to achieve. In other words, it is your business “what”.

It lies on core beliefs, the major statements on which you based your business concept as a solution to your ideal clients’ identified needs, aspirations & problems. Indeed, every business must be a solution or bring a solution! Otherwise, it will have no paid client.

Ideally, your company’s mission should enable you to do your dream profession(s), the(o)se professions that make you feel aligned & resonate with you.

Incubator Studio is a boutique go-to-market & growth agency for small & medium size businesses with high ambitions. We are on a mission to [re]position & [re]brand businesses for accelerated success & predicted profit growth.

This is our business mission. Yes, a business mission can (should) be that simple. What’s yours? What do you achieve for your ideal clients? Which problems do you solve for them? Bring clarity on your business mission, uncomplexify it. If you’re the only one to understand what your business does, believe us, you won’t have the joy to serve your ideal clients!

Dare to find your business purpose, embrace it, live it, embody it up to the smallest details. It’s good for you, good for your business (= it sells), good for your clients & good for the world! May your company’s purpose enable you to live a more fulfilling & aligned life!

To your success,

Aurélie & Coralie

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le jeudi 3 avril 2025 à Paris


Une journée d’introspection transformationnelle pour :

  • vous [re]connecter à vos tripes & à votre essence personnelle,
  • [re]explorer votre raison d’être personnelle,
  • [re]travailler sur votre marque personnelle (personal branding) en tant qu’entrepreneur débutant ou avancé.


À toute saison de votre parcours entrepreneurial, le socle & le souffle vital de votre entreprise, c’est bien vous, qui êtes ses racines, son tronc & sa source.

Le branding d’une entreprise est existentiel & prend racine dans les tripes de l’entrepreneur. (traduction : le branding, ce n’est pas un logo).


Vous repartirez de cette journée avec une marque personnelle claire, construite & au service de votre vie d’entrepreneur sans contorsion, comme au service de votre entreprise.