Dear reader,
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! Today is the day to wish you a healthy, uncomplexified, slow, memorable, sparkling, fruitful, surprising, focused, impactful, meaningful, cheeky, bold, purposeful, creative & above all, JOYFUL year!
A year full of light.

Business-wise, here is how we suggest you activate your success in 2022 & experience something close to 365 days of success (poke to our beloved #365success):
- Firstly – spend a few days (2 or 3 are not a luxury) revising your annual strategy before diving back into the daily running of the business. Think – big picture. Look at the woods, not the individual trees. Question things. We want you to think about where you are & where you want to be. How you get there is something we will tackle together.
- Next, create realistic & achievable quarterly goals for yourself, where you check in regularly & see your progress. Here we are looking at clumps of trees, rather than the whole eagle-eyed view of the forest, seeing how things are growing in a general sense. Think big, but think realistic.
- Finally, processize your business as much as you can. Put structures in place so that each day you can focus on whatever your specific goal is – bringing in more clients, having more time to innovate, cutting down your work hours, or something else. By using tools adapted to your business, outsourcing some of the load & putting in place useful processes, you’ll be able to increase your productivity, happiness at work & impact. Shall automation reign in 2022!
Wearing too many hats, trying to do too many things, your efficiency gets sacrificed, as well as a big chunk of your happiness. We want to help you get things sorted out, to see the woods AND the trees, in an efficient, precise manner. As French poet Baudelaire wrote,
“There, everything is only order and beauty,
Luxury, calm and voluptuousness.”
“Là, tout n’est qu’ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté.”
That’s the vibe we wish for you & your business, this year. Let’s start it off well!
We can’t wait to question, strategize & grow with you in 2022.
Let’s make this extra year count & matter.
Let’s experience JOY on every work day.
To your #365success!