Optimise your LinkedIn network in 15 minutes a day

LinkedIn is THE platform to exploit to create professional opportunities. A relevant network allows you to maximise the many benefits that the platform offers.
LinkedIn is THE social network for professionals. The platform makes it easy to connect with other professionals in order to build a network & expand it. Gaining visibility, building credibility, finding clients or prospects: many are the advantages. It goes without saying that this starts with a duly completed, updated, branded, professional & strategic profile (tagline, biography, photo & banner, professional experience etc.). A regular or even daily use of your profile will undoubtedly lead to professional opportunities. In this article, we give you some keys to maximise your opportunities by optimising your profile on a daily basis.


It is important to build a relevant network in your field of expertise. Indeed, you want to make yourself visible to your ideal clients & partners, so that they discover your products &/or services.

After defining your ideal clients & partners, which implies having a good understanding of their problems, needs & aspirations, we advise you to connect with them. However, don’t leave anything to chance. You need to convince your future connections that they are making the right choice by accepting you into their network. So when you invite someone, remember to add a note. In this note, offer them a solution to their problem(s) by inviting them to download one of your free resources, share your latest blog post or invite them to your upcoming webinar. When connecting, give value to each person you approach, while demonstrating your understanding of their business situation.


It has been proven that a prospect goes through seven points of contact with a company or brand, before deciding to buy one of their products or services. So, think of increasing the number of touch points with your ideal customers to increase your sales opportunities.

Touch points are the moments when your company, brand, services or products are visible to the people you are targeting. Multiply them so your company remains in the corner of their mind, close to the engine that makes them make decisions!

LinkedIn sends notifications (which you can manage in your personal profile settings) when a member of your network participates in an event, celebrates a birthday or updates their professional situation. These are all opportunities to get in touch with your ideal clients, make yourself visible & make an impression on them!


To gain visibility with your ideal clients & partners, you need to post useful & relevant content. You have identified the needs, problems, aspirations, dreams & goals of your ideal clients. Now, prove to them that you, better than anyone else, have THE unique solution to their problems & thus can improve their professional or personal life.

In order to achieve this, regularly post relevant content that allows your network (made up of your ideal clients & partners of course) to understand that you are the person, product or service for the situation.

LinkedIn’s features allow you to post different formats; leverage this! A poll, a photo, a carousel, a video, an article or a post, there are many formats to capture the attention of your ideal clients or partners.

Regularity & consistency are key if you want the content you posts to have a significant impact. Post regularly to increase your visibility & publish content that is relevant to your area of expertise & therefore useful to your ideal clients. The rest is just useless noise.


There is nothing more important than creating conversations if you want to increase the performance of your LinkedIn posts. LinkedIn bots will immediately report their satisfaction & interest by pushing your content to your connections’ feeds.

People do business with people, emotions play an important role in the decision making process. So please, create conversations with your ideal clients & partners, build friendly relationships & exchange real information. You will undoubtedly convince them to do business with you: if they think you have the solution to their problem, they will be willing to interact & listen.

Don’t hesitate to comment on their posts too, & then engage in private message conversations. By interacting with them in this way, you’ll build trust & become the go-to expert for them in your field.

LinkedIn is a powerful social network for (small) businesses, entrepreneurs, associations. It is therefore important not to neglect the opportunities it offers, even in its free version, & to methodically take care of the use you make of it. Dedicating 15 minutes a day to it will undoubtedly make a real difference in your business in terms of sales & collaboration opportunities & therefore growth. On your marks, connect, share, converse! Ready to be surprised?

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le jeudi 3 avril 2025 à Paris


Une journée d’introspection transformationnelle pour :

  • vous [re]connecter à vos tripes & à votre essence personnelle,
  • [re]explorer votre raison d’être personnelle,
  • [re]travailler sur votre marque personnelle (personal branding) en tant qu’entrepreneur débutant ou avancé.


À toute saison de votre parcours entrepreneurial, le socle & le souffle vital de votre entreprise, c’est bien vous, qui êtes ses racines, son tronc & sa source.

Le branding d’une entreprise est existentiel & prend racine dans les tripes de l’entrepreneur. (traduction : le branding, ce n’est pas un logo).


Vous repartirez de cette journée avec une marque personnelle claire, construite & au service de votre vie d’entrepreneur sans contorsion, comme au service de votre entreprise.