[Y]our core beliefs

On which pillars is our house built? On which ones will yours be? What if you strengthened your base to become more resilient?

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do . Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” - Jim Rohn

We are conservative. We neither believe that success is created by chance, nor that impact is created by approximation. Instead, we believe in a business world where every company accesses its target market, reaches its ideal clients & becomes more profitable thanks to crystal clear vision, mission, values, unique proposition, goals, strategies & the strategic planning of a team effort (yes, effort).

This is the reason why we designed & built a boutique consultancy that supports the go-to-market & growth of solopreneurs, startups & SME’s. In order to increase small companies’ authority, impact & profits, we established a strategic step-by-step approach that works for good & gives brands solid roots. We actually leverage the power of branding to serve both beauty & success efficiently (beauty matters), thanks to well-defined strategic processes. In our attempt to be as transparent as possible, we explain everything about the synopsis of our Studio on our website. Our website statistics show that it does matter to our ideal clients… which makes us happy!

So, what are our core beliefs, the ones on which we established our branding & web design agency?

Success is a process.

A business idea is the first impulse of any new professional adventure. What comes next? Long hours of brainstorming on the business concept, followed by hours of drafting a business plan with only one goal in mind: how will it be profitable & when? Predicted profitability should be at the root of every business, whatever it takes in terms of expertise, tools, outsourcing or processes.

At Incubator Studio, we are committed to creating value for the businesses we serve – which implies a strategy, a plan & a structure in order to re-shape a starting or existing business into a more impactful, successful & fruitful canvas. Our expertise sticks to our golden rule: without a plan & a frame, all efforts are a waste of time & consequently, a waste of money.

We believe that success is a structured process.

Growth implies a strong positioning.

What takes a business owner from an idea to an actual business, is the way [s]he implements, from a concept to a plan, but also how much [s]he is willing to challenge his market thanks to his obvious uniqueness, even more in a very competitive market. To achieve such a result, working on a vision & defining a unique positioning, is a must.

If the business positioning is too general or not specific enough, it will never be perceived as unique enough to touch its consumers & disturb its competitors. Define, refine, fine-tune & adjust your business positioning until it leaves the ocean of sameness!

We believe that growth does imply a strong positioning.

Branding is NOT a detail.

Statistics show that 59% of people choose to do business with a company over one of its competitors, based on good design.

A brand is to a company what a reputation is to a person. It’s what people say it is. Relevant branding is a major asset to establish identity, credibility & earn reputation. It’s a shortcut to success: so obvious that you don’t need to justify it, so influential that it cannot be questioned, so impactful that it will stick to the minds of the target audience. Designing a brand identity means translating the positioning of a business idea into a design concept. It therefore does not only mean designing a standalone logo 🙂

Branding implies investing in the right ideation process. That’s where we come in with our Turnkey Brand Identity. Prove to your audience your ability to synthesize the essence of your brand’s features & territory & translate it into a strategic, aesthetic & impactful reality!

We believe that branding is really not a detail.

Beauty efficiently serves profitability.

Statistics show that 45% of people are willing to pay even more for a product or service with good design.

Design is an intelligent tool, a medium of expression that gives your ideas a meaningful shape & a visual existence. In order to be impactful, it must serve an identified business objective, strategically thought out for your specific business. There is no magic at stake: methodology + creativity = beautiful content that is worth spreading.

Seize your chance to consciously add beauty to our business world!

We believe that beauty matters & serves the greater good.

Business is a formula.

Why should business people do without a methodology when scientists have always been relying on one to get results? If you want to get results in your business, follow an efficient step-by-step methodology! It involves observing carefully, applying rigorous scepticism, formulating hypotheses-based observations, experimenting measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses, then refining the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. What if you worked with experts who do have a turnkey methodology that will work for good in your business?

Results are important, milestones & strategic pathways even more so. Businesses must indeed be able to repeat their achievements over time by re-using the formula that made them possible. The truth is that only a structured methodology, a systematized approach, written systems & processes can ensure that.

Our coaching-based approach to business consulting & structured methodology on each of the modules of our core expertise, ensure we take businesses quickly to where they deserve to be. This is how our business formula benefits our clients: by optimizing time efficiency, delivering powerful shortcuts & mastering project management.

We believe that business is a formula.

We decided to share our five core beliefs on our website & in our communications. We encourage our clients to do the same. Are you willing to do the same as well? Reflecting on what the core beliefs of your business are, is not a luxury. It will support your business resilience at every stage – & we’re not speaking about new businesses only! Too many established businesses leave value on the table or accept to be vulnerable by not putting strong words on what took them to where they are & what drives them to reach their “destination” every year.

We can’t wait to meet you on the pathway!

To your success,

Aurélie & Coralie

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le jeudi 3 avril 2025 à Paris


Une journée d’introspection transformationnelle pour :

  • vous [re]connecter à vos tripes & à votre essence personnelle,
  • [re]explorer votre raison d’être personnelle,
  • [re]travailler sur votre marque personnelle (personal branding) en tant qu’entrepreneur débutant ou avancé.


À toute saison de votre parcours entrepreneurial, le socle & le souffle vital de votre entreprise, c’est bien vous, qui êtes ses racines, son tronc & sa source.

Le branding d’une entreprise est existentiel & prend racine dans les tripes de l’entrepreneur. (traduction : le branding, ce n’est pas un logo).


Vous repartirez de cette journée avec une marque personnelle claire, construite & au service de votre vie d’entrepreneur sans contorsion, comme au service de votre entreprise.