We decided to serve you for free

Let’s get started & be expectant. We’re here to add value to your business.

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Michael Altshuler


At Incubator Studio, our actual & ideal clients are small business owners working as solopreneurs, startup-ers or SME directors.

Small businesses experience a recurring shortage of time. They need to make drastic choices in their activities & priorities. Time is their most precious asset, which they need to use simultaneously:

  1. to serve clients
  2. to run their business
  3. to build their existing & future business

Dear reader, you get us, we get you, you belong here. Welcome home. A shared home for small businesses with high ambitions, ready to sparkle, glow, make money & do good.

We’ve not been writing enough in the last two years because we had other priorities. The day has come for us to use some of our precious time to start sharing wisdom, actionable knowledge, expertise & tips to help you adjust & improve your business. Count on us to go straight to the point, every single time.


What can you expect from us? Transparency & honesty! We’ll detail the aspects of our business story that can help you write yours successfully. We’ll share solutions to the most common problems of our clients. We’ll tell you what we find right or wrong in the way small & medium size businesses build their growth. We’ll equip you with tools to review & improve the existing. We’ll treat you with business gifts as well.

If everything goes according to plan, you should be able to read us every other week.


We’re here to serve. As we’ve claimed from the start, we have structured our agency to support & team up with small & medium size businesses, as a player of their size who totally understands their challenges. We are part of this powerful movement of brave & bold risk-takers standing up for a healthier economy. Because a strong ecosystem of small & medium size enterprises is definitely the future of our economies. No more, no less. It is the most adequate answer to the required agility, the crisis of purpose at the workplace, its collateral call for a meaning as well as for a deeper sense of participation in society.

Therefore, we would like you to reflect on how we could serve you. What would your business benefit from in terms of positioning, brand essence, brand strategy, pitch, visual identity, website, communication, sales tools etc…? Inspect what you expect & let us know. We will answer all your questions with pleasure, craft detailed answers & give as much input as we can, every other week.

To your success,

Aurélie & Coralie

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le jeudi 3 avril 2025 à Paris


Une journée d’introspection transformationnelle pour :

  • vous [re]connecter à vos tripes & à votre essence personnelle,
  • [re]explorer votre raison d’être personnelle,
  • [re]travailler sur votre marque personnelle (personal branding) en tant qu’entrepreneur débutant ou avancé.


À toute saison de votre parcours entrepreneurial, le socle & le souffle vital de votre entreprise, c’est bien vous, qui êtes ses racines, son tronc & sa source.

Le branding d’une entreprise est existentiel & prend racine dans les tripes de l’entrepreneur. (traduction : le branding, ce n’est pas un logo).


Vous repartirez de cette journée avec une marque personnelle claire, construite & au service de votre vie d’entrepreneur sans contorsion, comme au service de votre entreprise.