Valuable business values

People do business with people. In crowded markets, working by clearly identified & communicated professional values enables your company to stand out.

“We live our purpose, stand up for our clients & are powered by their success.” - Aurélie & Coralie

You won’t find regular consultants at Incubator Studio, but the rare combination of strategists & coaches. We actually call ourselves coachultants. Indeed, we do not make a habit to tell our clients what they want to hear in order to secure future projects. We tell them what they need to hear, because we really care about their business achievements. As we often say, do not pick up a business coach or consultant that cuddles your team, it won’t make your business more profitable! As many others, we take businesses from where they are to where they deserve to be, but what defines us as branding experts is the unique set of values we live by as professionals.

Make them click, but keep it authentic!

We show transparency, support & positivity in the way we serve our clients & communities, who in return place their trust in us. We do not fail to keep our promises because we know what we stand for: strategic highlighters & enablers of our clients’ business value. We are genuinely authentic & believe the business arena needs AUTHENTICITY.

When you work with us, in order to ensure the success of our collaboration, we first agree to adopt a winner’s mindset (that we of course recommend you to keep forever). We welcome you to the NO EXCUSES zone. Simple, yet demanding! In our brains, decisions & actions, we live by the principle: “if it’s meant to be, it’s up to me”. We are determined & driven doers who do whatever it takes to live by our principles & turn businesses around. Much better when clients embrace the same #noexcuses mindset.

In order to make businesses more resilient, we fully embrace our INDEPENDENT THINKING during our collaborations. Be it when strategizing, building, designing or implementing, we don’t tell people what they want to hear, but what they need to hear, because it’s the only way to create visions that deliver results.

You can COUNT on us.

We are well aware that building & improving businesses is relentlessly demanding. It’s definitely not compatible with mediocrity & approximation. We believe in our clients more than they can even believe in themselves sometimes. We give them strength & confidence on their journey. We actually have enough ambition for them & us combined!

Our clients, be they solo-preneurs, startups teams or SME teams, rely on us as accountability partners. We build partnerships for success with our them & firmly believe in co-growth. We ensure they make decisions & stick to their commitments on their journey towards results.

We are indeed committed to their results, committed to supporting what brings them forward, even more when it’s not easy. Even if it implies working on aspects they had not planned to cover. If they come to us to work on a brand [re]design for example, we will not execute without having confirmed that the brand identity is relevant, aligned with the brand essence & the brand strategy. Many companies do so, we don’t – it’s a pure nonsense. Branding has to do with BEAUTY INSIDE OUT. We therefore ensure the “inside” part is well covered! Otherwise, we couldn’t claim that beauty efficiently serves profitability, while making the [business] world a softer & more enjoyable place… To conclude on that, beauty inside out is definitely not overrated. Just judge for yourself here.

As detailed above, at Incubator Studio we pride ourselves to live by a set of strong company values that are: authenticity, no excuses, independent thinking, ambition, accountability & beauty inside out. We do believe that companies that recognize themselves in our values, will feel even more at ease in their collaboration with us.

That’s how we turn businesses around from ideas to brands, from unknown to unforgettable, from complexity to clarity, from doubtful to impactful, from conceptual to visual, from strategies to plans, from procrastination to action, from stress to success, from hocus pocus to focus, from chance to change, from learning to earning, from dreaming to scoring, from catapults to results, from doing good to doing great.

We therefore encourage all our clients to consider their set of values seriously & be aligned on them as a team.

To your success,

Aurélie & Coralie

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